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from OUR founder


I mean, you're out there posting on your social media pages, marching in the streets, saying your piece, all in hopes that someone will hear you, identify with your perspective, and make a change because of something you said or did... I have to say it's inspiring to witness. It's inspiring to watch

us finally realize how capable we are of coming together, and it's given me great validation as I've pushed forward in the face of what some may consider unfortunate events. Funny thing about failure, it teaches you lessons you can never dream of learning at school; and for those resilient enough, it forces them to take a step back and see from the outside what they may have been doing wrong...


Now, if you know me and what I'm about, you know that I say my music represents humanity, and that all I want is for my music to help inspire people to have a better relationship with themselves, so that they can approach life with as much confidence as I always have. That's been my personal mission all these years I've chased deals, placements and people who I thought would open that lucky door for me. I thought I was articulating myself and my vision clearly, but I wasn't! I was so caught up in the politics of it all that I forgot to listen to my own self (who doesn't put up with that!) I've had all the tools, talent and more to create what I wanted to see, so why was I waiting around for someone to do it for me? If I've learned anything in my life it's that we don't fight enough for each other, on a human to human level. We have our causes, (of course!) but we tend to forget the one thing we all truly have in common: we are human! Am I crazy to think it's that simple?


With the internet and social media we find ourselves in the midst of a mindfulness revolution. We're beginning to realize that we are not only physically and mentally capable of accomplishing our dreams, but we have all the tools at our fingertips! (Quite literally.) It's not easy, I know. It's a daily struggle between what feels right and self-doubt; not to mention most people will judge you out of fear and tell you they think your idea is far-fetched - even when it makes perfect sense to you. You can't listen to the negativity, or it won't happen.

I DARE YOU to believe in your power. I DARE YOU to stop waiting on other people and to make the choice I know you want to make: to be that change you wish to see in the world.


Thank you for taking the time to read this and go through the website. I hope that you identify with our mission and see that our passion is to bring out the best in you. Please join us


Much love, 


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